Friday, September 27, 2013

How to make friends

The next day all I did was walk. I was expecting to leave Paris at midnight, but my ride (which I had found through covoiturage) ended up not coming and I had to schedule another ride for Saturday at noon. Highlights:

Bread with chocolate chips/pain au chocolat. Best euro I ever spent. 

This is how people take a break from the city... Inside the city. 

I took a mini sun nap. 

Then on my way home I saw four prostitutes and a million sex shops. I'd never seen a prostitute before and it scared me the first time. You're just walking down the street, minding your own business, and suddenly BOOBS. BOOBS EVERYWHERE. Pushed up, smacking you in the face, high-laced stockings and short skirts... Etc. Enough of that. 

Last night, Kawtar came over with Camille and we ate escargot. It was terrifying at first, but... When in Rome, right? Or Paris, that works too. 

These are snails. Snails, with butter and garlic and herbs shoved into their shells. She you bake them, the stuff melts and seasons the snail for eating. Mmmmmm!

Kawtar likes. 

Finally, this morning, I went to meet my covoiturage ride to Toulouse (a city not far from where I'm headed: Saint-Girons). I'm dressed in blue and pink and I can't help but feel I look like a giant walking stick of cotton candy. And my backpack matches my shirt, to boot! Are you all ready for adventure? Cuz I AM. 


  1. None of the pictures are showing! I can see the YouTube video though. :(((((

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nothing like navigating through a foreign city all alone in the middle of the night. I find it to be the safest way to go.
